Thursday, October 27, 2011

My Daughter is a Creative Being!

My daughter Marie is a beautiful girl, super smart and so CREATIVE!  She has always loved art.  To make things with her hands, to draw pictures, color and make little sculptures. At the age of 12  She has creative talents that don't come from me that's for sure.  Lately she has been making headbands and hair clips with my mom (Who is also a creative genius) with broken jewelry, beads, charms and feathers.  My Mom has been collecting glorious vintage jewelry for years, and has made some amazing things.  She started with shadow boxes, and moved onto decorating picture frames, and now has started making hair clips, pins and necklaces. 

Marie, my daughter, has two new listings in my Etsy Shop~ Click on the pictures to go to the listings.

 Beautiful Bolo Ties in a vintage Victorian yet modern style.  The first has Pink as a theme~  I can see these being worn for a wedding, as a hat band or as a statement piece that is bordering on a bib type necklace.  Fully adjustable in length to be worn as a choker or further down the neck as a longer necklace.          


The second piece is a triangular shape that is a bit simpler with black, silver and a touch of gold and bronze.  It features a key, clockworks, a clock face, beautiful butterfly, glass rhinestones and dangle chains!  This one is on an adjustable braided leather cord, and can be used as a hat band, pin, hair clip or whatever your imagination calls for!

I am blessed with a daughter who understands the creative aspects of life and isn't afraid to express herself. 

Etsy Treasury~ Pink Steampunk Breast Cancer Awareness

New Etsy Treasury For Breast Cancer Awareness~  A little different than most!

Find it here~ Steampunk In Pink

Monday, October 24, 2011

Ruffles and Pockets

Had a rush custom order the other day~ Woke up the morning of Brocc's birthday party and made a new style of ruffle bloomers!  then express shipped them so that they would get to the customer in time for her camping trip!  I got Marie to model them for me.  DAMN CUTE!  Cant wait to make them in different colors and fabrics for SURE!  Lace will add glorious touches to them as well!   They are so FOOFY and Glorious!

 You can purchase your own pair right HERE!

Had a custom request for POCKETS! So, I think that I am going to start offering Pockets on bloomers, and perhaps even in skirts.  The ones she opted for this time were the patch type pockets on the back side of her bloomers.  I added a cute mini ruffle to each one, making sure they would lay pretty flat so there wouldn't be any extra poofing, unless she wanted em to!   I LOVE the pockets!  Will be offering in seam side pockets, patch pockets, either in the front or in the back!  Singles and doubles.  Pockets make so many things easy!
AND~ I finally got an order for ruffle bloomers in Navy Blue! Not just Black!  I need to get some other colors made up I know~

I have some other projects that are in the works, and will be getting some more photo's of older custom projects that I haven't listed on websites.  I'm slowly catching up. Almost there! 

I have decided to change my giveaway #~  350 likes on my facebook page and I give away a pair of bloomers in ANY size!!!  These can be made for kids and adults alike!  PERFECT for wearing under skirts in the chilly weather!  So SHARE SHARE SHARE!

Please remember to follow my blog and keep up with my facebook page for upcoming sales and specials! 

Thursday, October 20, 2011

You ever hit a point in the midst of a project that it would be easier to just cut out NEW pieces rather than rip seams?   ya... I'm there... Its only going to be one side of a pair of beek a bloomers, but I apparently sewed the crotch open where the legs were supposed to be... *WHOOPS*  HAHAHA
So, I'm going to re-cut that half of the bloomers out and use the other part as scrap for other projects.  I feel like an idiot. 

I am apparently getting a cold of some sort.  Have a sore throat, apparently was coughing all night and today I just feel *ugh*.  BUT~ I refuse to let it stop me from getting everything shipped by saturday.  I know I said friday last week, but life seems to kick my ass and let me know that I cant rush myself.  (hence the sewing wrong parts together on bloomers...)

Guinea pig home/bedding is being washed today.  I need to get another set made up so that I can just swap em out every few days.  the new setup seems to be working quite nicely.  I sectioned off 1/4 of the pen with a pre-made gate with ramps and have the food and hay on that side with shavings~ they tend to go to the bathroom over there more often~ I haven't smelled them at all!   And they sit directly next to my computer desk.  That way I can lean over and grab one whenever I feel the need to cuddle!

Monday, October 17, 2011

Its Monday!

I was going to have ALL of my sewing done this weekend, and alas~ NOPE!  So~ I got up this morning and am going to start working on getting everything finished.  Its all cut out and ready to sew, sitting next to the serger. 
I went through and found piles of unfinished projects!!  Some pink, red and white pleather hip skirts, some ten yard skirts and even some 25 yard skirts.  All cut out waiting to be turned into wonderfulness~  I will be listing these on Strumpets Delight for sure.  
Still have fabric for the trumpet skirts, trying to figure out, in my brain, the best way for me to draw out the patterns for these.  I was thinking that 4 panels would be enough, but that wont work if I want to make a 'fishtail' type of skirt~  so... there may be more than one style I come up with.  We'll see where my brain takes it!

Had another wonderful Belly Dance class last night!  Had a stand in teacher and it was super fun for sure!  Quite happy that I had to have help tying my belt tighter!  (it ties on each side).   Next week I need to remember to re-attach my shoestring tribal belt to it so that I've got extra jingles!  
Ended up goofing off a bit~ alas, it was nice.  Learning a whole new style of dance and trying to re-train my body and brain to relax a bit. HAHA!
ATS and 'fusion' dance have taught me different postures and different ways of doing things! =)

It's some good stuff~

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

New Listing! (and more coming!)

Working on some sewing and getting some pictures taken!  I'm working on getting some hip scarves photographed as well!  Perhaps some more bloomers! I've got LOTS!

Just listed a Black 18" lolita petticoat to my etsy shop!!!  See it HERE!
This one is READY TO SHIP!  for FREE!

 I also took a few pictures of how versatile they are!  Can be tucked into the back for the bustle effect and still have more than enough length (the full 18 inches) to cover your knickers with! Hem is a FULL 10 yards~ that's 360"!

Tuesday, October 11, 2011


Yes, Exhibition!  not exhibitionist~ though that can be fun too =)  

One of my FAVORITE etsy teams has a  monthly Exhibition of members that goes along with a Theme~  October's was Haunted House!   Check it out  HERE!!   There are crafts, clothes, photographs and all sorts of creepy and fun things! Check out their Countdown To Halloween As well! How to's, costume ideas,  creepy makeup Tutorials and all sorts of wondrous things!!!

Do a search on etsy for EtsyDarkTeam and find all sorts of glorious gory goodies!

I'm getting super excited for Halloween!   I've also been working on getting caught up on orders this week.  Got a few things into the mail today, will have more for tomorrow and by Friday I plan on being caught up!

I'm open and willing to take custom orders right now as well!  I'm also going to try to get some more pictures of ready made items up so that you can shop shop shop!

And dont forget about my 500 Fan Give away!
Free Bloomers to a Random Fan when I hit 500 fans on Facebook!!!

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Double Ruffle Bloomers

DONT FORGET ABOUT MY BLOG GIVE AWAY!!!  I will randomly pick someone from my facebook fan page once I get to 500 Likes!!!  I can sew for kids and adults alike!!!  Double ruffle bloomers in any color and combination of colors!!

Daughter had her birthday party this weekend.  12 years old.
She got some great cute things, and I've got things I've got to finish for her.  A pair of flannel pajama bottoms for one, I've got to make a pair for Brocc too!  I've also got the fabric to make a fleece body pillow cover for Brocc's body pillow that he inherited from me when I got my new one.
Wish it was as cheap to make them as it was to buy them!  I made both of the ones for Joe's and Mine~  Zippers and all~  we each use one.

Witch hats @ Full Knitted Jacket
Got out my spinning wheel this last week.  I've been doing a bit of spinning.  I am going to be needing to get my hands back into 'shape' They start to cramp after about a half hour of drafting and pinching, I'm thinking that I'm pinching too hard while drafting.  THOUGH the yarn strands seem to be spinning nice and soft as well as evenly!      Was inspired to spin again by a friend who is making the most ADORABLE goodies!!!  Check out her lil witch hats!!!  Full Knitted Jacket  (picture is also a link)

Have a new desire to make some wool dryer balls!  They are for sale all over etsy, and I've got extra yarn and stuff that didn't turn out the way I wanted.  SO~ I'm going to make myself some!  and some for my friend!

This is also a link directly to the shop! AND this silk!

I am a link too!!!
She has an amazing Play Silk shop on Etsy~   Called The Purple Tangerine!  I love her silks, my kids love THEIR silks, and they have lasted forever and go through quite the process of play here at home.  Think of them for your kids or grand-kids, nieces and nephews and just KIDS IN GENERAL! 

Friday, October 7, 2011

My sweet son, who will be 6 on the 19th, asked me today "Mama, do you get money for your job?"  I replied with "What job do I do?"   "Giving people BEAUTIFUL clothes!"~    Such a sweet boy!

He knows how to work it~

I've got some great orders, and went to the store and got some great fabric to get some prototype-esque mermaid/trumpet skirts to get listed up on etsy.   Trying to figure out how long and how big or small to make them!!!!  Is 40" a good size?  I can always make them smaller... and making bigger ones is not an issue.  But for a prototype?
Some super cute stretchy fabrics were picked up at the store! =)

Tried to purchase some WHITE cotton~  couldnt find any. was all GREEN hued!  Really???
And... Of course I bought patterns that I will never use.  *sigh*  Why do I do it? 

12 year old Birthday party tomorrow! *oh wheee*  

Apparently there will be about 6 screaming girls running round.  Hope the weather is nice. 

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Give Away!!!

I'm thinking about doing a give away!   A pair of double ruffle bloomers in someones size and choice of color~  I can make these child size or as big a size as possible =)

What say you?    I would LOVE to have 500 people like my Facebook Page!!   Share It with your friends and family!!!    I will randomly pick 1 Winner when I hit the 500 people mark!

AND for those who need to know~  Those of you who shop with the Etsy Dark Team may get a 10% off coupon as a promo with an order!  (we send promo's in a swap every month)
I have also been randomly sending them out with orders that come through!  And now that I've got some super promo's from other shops, I'll be sharing those as well!!

I'm still working on getting pictures of everything ready to list and up for sale!  Feeling a bit under the weather yesterday and today, and Daughter's birthday party is Saturday!!!  Must clean the house!!!

So~ Share with friends and other shops!  GIVE AWAY HERE WE COME!

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Lots of New here In Strumpet Land!

First and foremost, I've got new listings in my shop!!!  StrumpetsDelight   New Hip Skirts and Bloomers!  More coming as I get pictures taken, and then will update pictures as I get better ones so that people can SEE what the items look like on real bodies! 

I've already sold one pair of bloomers and ad one hip skirt!  There are LOTS more coming and I've still got a tote of 'almost done' items that need to be finished and photographed.  Its a never ending spiral with me!   These should have been listed MONTHS ago, but with my health being the way it was, that was impossible.

We are enjoying our new home, the kids have settled in well, and we've 'adopted' our neighbor lady.  She lives alone and the kids love her and her dog Molly, and it seems that the dog as well as Trish our Neighbor love the kids.  I've started inviting her over for dinner on a regular basis, and sometimes she accepts, others she wont.   She's a sweet lady and has been putting Joe and the kids to work helping her fix up her yard. 

Right after we moved, I started feeling fatigue.  Having a never ending headache.  I could hear my heart beating constantly in my ears and my heart was constantly racing.  For a few weeks, I thought it was dehydration.  I guzzled down water and Gatorade like no tomorrow.  The fatigue and other symptoms kept getting worse.   It was so bad that I was out of breath walking across the house to the bathroom.  All I wanted to do was sleep and eat.  Then, there was the loss of desire to eat.  I wasn't hungry.  My hands and feet started to tingle.  I went to the dr~  Ran next to every test possible for health reasons.   All tests came back normal to good~  we had left out Anemia because I had zero symptoms or pre-cursors.  The next week, I made another appointment.  Hubby had to go with me this time, I was unable to safely drive or walk any sort of distance without being light headed or faint. Out of breath was becoming the norm.   The night before the appointment, I couldn't even dry myself off after a shower.   Talk about scary.

Hubby and dr discussed it, and Dr talked himself into doing an Anemia test.   Only because I was more pale than usual.  We came home and waited for test results.  Got a phone call about an hour later, I had gone to lay down and take another nap, so Joe answered the phone.   It was my Doctor.  We needed to get to the hospital asap, I needed a blood transfusion.  At LEAST 4 pints.  I am apparently a super woman.  My blood counts were the lowest he had EVER seen.   Homiletic Anemia caused by who knows what? (my body had stopped making blood cells)  I spent the two days and one night in the hospital.  4 pints of blood, could have used 5, but they had only ordered 4 (I've got special blood... Type O+ that has to have the antigens removed.... nice).  I was reminded over and over that had I gotten a nose bleed or anything of the sort, I could have DIED. 

Weeks, dr appointments and bone marrow biopsies later, My body was making blood on its own.  There are 'ideas' and 'theories' as to why my body stopped making red blood cells, but no one knows for sure.  All they know is that my bone marrow is working again.  I'm feeling better and better each day, but I've still got days that push me over my limit.  I spent three months almost dying, its going to take some time to come back from that. 

I'm hoping to keep up with the blog more.  Updates on what I am sewing and creating.  I've felt pretty creative here in the last few weeks. 
Still getting in over my head with what I commit to, but one of these days I'll figure it out =)

Just glad to be feeling good and not worrying about being so sick.